Poetry and Flash Fiction Submissions 2021 and #16DaysofActivism

November and December are always busy for us at Hillingdon Women’s Centre, and online things have been really ramping up with our call for writing submissions and our #16DaysOfActivism campaign. 

“Violence Against Women and Girls: Enough is Enough!” 

For a second year running, we have been BLOWN AWAY by the excellent women writers of Hillingdon who took part in our recent call for poetry and flash fiction submissions. This was launched on 25th November 2021, also known as “The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.” This year we asked women to submit a piece of poetry or flash fiction on the theme of “Violence Against Women and Girls: Enough is Enough!” and they certainly delivered! 

For the past two years, we have reached out to women in our community to share their voices and recognise the global effort required to ensure that VAWG is not just seen as a women-only issue.

Our call for submissions was incredibly successful. We want to use this opportunity to share our immense gratitude to all those women who responded to our call and contributed their work. Thank you so much for getting involved and sharing your beautiful and impactful words! We will be sharing some of the pieces on our social media platforms over the next month so keep an eye out for some fantastic work.

You can check out some of the submissions in the slider below for a sneak peek at the pieces submitted. However, we also created a beautiful catalogue of all submissions for this year, this is now available to download as a PDF too! 

Social Media Campaign: #16DaysofActivism

On the 25th of November, we also launched our response to UN Women’s online #16days campaign to ‘Orange The World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!’ to amplify the call for global action. 

In our response to this global campaign, we decided to bring the stories of inspirational women activists murdered in the name of gender-based violence to honour their memories, educate and engage with our digital audience. 

Below are just some of the incredible women we pay tribute to who were murdered for their activism.

Follow us on Instagram to see all of our posts in this campaign. 

Why is this all so important?

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is an annual online campaign kicked off by UN Women on the 25th of November every year. 

UN Women’s Generation Equality campaign is amplifying the call for global action to bridge funding gaps, ensure essential services for survivors of violence during the COVID-19 crisis, focus on prevention, and collection of data that can improve life-saving services for women and girls.

The Official Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was a virtual multi-stakeholder event with the participation of high-level representatives of Member States, United Nations agencies, Goodwill Ambassadors, and civil society organizations.

UN Women do tremendous work globally to recognise that Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today. Each year, their online campaigns inspire us at Hillingdon Women’s Centre to get involved in our own creative way and contribute to the cause! 

Did you know?

Globally, an estimated 736 million women—almost one in threehave been subjected to intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both at least once in their life (30 per cent of women aged 15 and older). This figure does not include sexual harassment. 

Most violence against women is perpetrated by current or former husbands or intimate partners. More than 640 million women aged 15 and older have been subjected to intimate partner violence (26 per cent of women aged 15 and older) 

Calls to helplines have increased five-fold in some countries as rates of reported intimate partner violence increase because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Restricted movement, social isolation, and economic insecurity are increasing women’s vulnerability to violence in the home around the world.

One hundred thirty-seven women are killed by a member of their family every day globally. 


Data source: UN Women: Facts and Figures