Warning Signs of Abuse

Often the perpetrator does not show their abusive side in the early stages of a relationship. Over time, their behaviour may manifest and the abusive patterns will become more evident.

Here are some possible warning signs of an abusive partner:


They justify their jealousy and possessiveness as a way of showing how much they care.


Your partner or family member may continually put you down to make you feel worthless and tell you that you are at fault. 


The relationship became intense very quickly, and you felt overwhelmed by big commitments being made in the early stages. 


They make most (or all) of your decisions for you or regulate your everyday behaviour. 


The abusers mood is hard to predict and changes frequently. One moment they can be attentive to your needs and the next they humiliate and frighten you.


You are repeatedly checked up on, followed or harassed (in person or online). Have you been pressured to install location tracking apps on your phone and you were encouraged to share passwords and log in details (social media, banking, email, etc).


You feel the need to change your behaviour because you are worried about the repercussions of what they may say or do. 


You (or your family) have been physically assaulted or threatened by them or they have threatened to hurt themselves if you choose to leave.


Your partners has pressured you to have sex when you do not want to or they have made you do things sexually that you are not comfortable with and you felt you could not tell them no.

There are many other signs that could point to an abusive relationship, this list is not exhaustive. However, if you are experiencing one or more of these warning signs, then we would recommend that you seek support as soon as possible.